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Screen Name Score Correct Wrong % Correct
All Tie Breaker Differences - Summed Up [?]
Hectormike 49 49 5 90.74 % 26
Tristian3 49 49 5 90.74 % 26
Seth935 48 48 6 88.89 % 23
Nubby 48 48 6 88.89 % 34
Piggie Smalls 47 47 7 87.04 % 19
ccothran35 47 47 7 87.04 % 23
Crazy Cajun 47 47 7 87.04 % 27
Bigphil06 47 47 7 87.04 % 30
Bcattleman 47 47 7 87.04 % 33
Pete Sterner 47 47 7 87.04 % 42
Britski 47 47 7 87.04 % 43
jay 47 47 7 87.04 % 43
JayTeeEss 47 47 7 87.04 % 53
craig 66 47 47 7 87.04 % 61
Gators2025 46 46 8 85.19 % 24
BeauB 46 46 8 85.19 % 29
Hogwild 46 46 8 85.19 % 33
Ackdaddy 46 46 8 85.19 % 37
Dogtown22 46 46 8 85.19 % 37
Whitewolf1293 46 46 8 85.19 % 37
Chainsaw Dave 46 46 8 85.19 % 38
ddub 46 46 8 85.19 % 39
Aporkalypse now 46 46 8 85.19 % 44
Jimmies 46 46 8 85.19 % 47
Redonthehead0483 46 46 8 85.19 % 59
Redbug 46 46 8 85.19 % 82
HOG DRIVER 46 46 8 85.19 % 91
mottthehoople 45 45 9 83.33 % 18
TitanUp 45 45 9 83.33 % 31
WPSnuggs 45 45 9 83.33 % 32
Atomic Hog 45 45 9 83.33 % 51
mclinton91 45 45 9 83.33 % 52
Alexkords28 45 45 9 83.33 % 57
arhognut 45 45 9 83.33 % 65
Steve51 45 45 9 83.33 % 122
Ray 44 44 10 81.48 % 23
Tiger Lee 44 44 10 81.48 % 23
Razorhogs86 44 44 10 81.48 % 29
Turd Ferguson 44 44 10 81.48 % 32
The Banker 44 44 10 81.48 % 36
My TV C.Benson 44 44 10 81.48 % 37
Hairygizzard28 44 44 10 81.48 % 40
Rawdawg63 44 44 10 81.48 % 53
Wayne 44 44 10 81.48 % 75
Bayou Hog 43 43 11 79.63 % 30
HogHaven 43 43 11 79.63 % 38
Gold Glove 43 43 11 79.63 % 40
StatInConway 43 43 11 79.63 % 44
McCauleyHog24 43 43 7 86.00 % 51
Milo's OU tea 43 43 11 79.63 % 117
Hogsfanchaz 42 42 12 77.78 % 20
Rdeen 42 42 12 77.78 % 38
brpreacher 42 42 12 77.78 % 51
kidliberty 42 42 12 77.78 % 59
PastorG 42 42 12 77.78 % 60
WooPig74 42 42 12 77.78 % 68
PeePaw501 41 41 13 75.93 % 27
big al 41 41 13 75.93 % 33
Vanilla Gorilla 41 41 9 82.00 % 36
Sgrubb 40 40 14 74.07 % 41
HOGZILLA 39 39 8 82.98 % 25
GregKman 39 39 11 78.00 % 86
voodoo717171 38 38 9 80.85 % 36
Ozarkrvr3 38 38 9 80.85 % 43
sweetwater 37 37 13 74.00 % 37
Reg 37 37 17 68.52 % 39
JennaC 37 37 17 68.52 % 74
Gridiron Groove 36 36 8 81.82 % 22
ArkySailor 36 36 11 76.60 % 71
BJsBestGuess 35 35 15 70.00 % 84
HogfanD 35 35 15 70.00 % 86
Boyd from Benton 32 32 6 84.21 % 33
Captain 30 30 15 66.67 % 68
Bighead 26 26 21 55.32 % 114
Britton 26 26 21 55.32 % 114
Rockerbill 23 23 22 51.11 % 117
Jimbo 23 23 22 51.11 % 155
Tankless Tommy 23 23 22 51.11 % 170
CricketyPete 22 22 25 46.81 % 131
SandDragon 19 19 26 42.22 % 129
arkagatorgal 18 18 5 78.26 % 17
HogfanJ 16 16 29 35.56 % 140
Tcase 15 15 30 33.33 % 199
buzzpromo 14 14 31 31.11 % 186
KenDukeFanClub 14 14 31 31.11 % 187
Dumi 14 14 31 31.11 % 214
Bweeks92 13 13 32 28.89 % 178
Elprez 13 13 32 28.89 % 195
Wes 13 13 32 28.89 % 223
mkd123 12 12 19 38.71 % 113
SuperCooper 12 12 19 38.71 % 115
Piglet 12 12 19 38.71 % 124
BigSlim 12 12 33 26.67 % 190
TRowe 11 11 8 57.89 % 65
hogs14 10 10 0 100.00 % 6
Mondragon 10 10 0 100.00 % 10
ecnally24 10 10 0 100.00 % 26
Dana 10 10 35 22.22 % 223
Quickjohn50 9 9 22 29.03 % 129
Codeman027 5 5 1 83.33 % 7
Foozeballguy 5 5 40 11.11 % 188
UCA Bear Alumni 4 4 2 66.67 % 3
Browning75 0 0 44 0.00 % 230